
Weekly Wishes #17

Photo credit Tiffany Farley @ moreloveletters.com

This Weekly Wishes post will be a place for me to share my goals for the week. Hopefully blogging about them will help them to actually happen!

The theme for this week's photo is "Colorful." I love this pretty red ribbon and the picture has to do with my goal for the week!

Last week I wanted to: Print our Christmas photo! I got this done! 
Finish those Christmas cards! I finished a LOT of these, but I still have the family ones to do (I was waiting for the pictures and then I got super busy!).
Mail the cards! I've mailed all the ones I've written!

This week I want to: Participate in the 12 Days of Love Letter Writing at moreloveletters.com! I first did this two years ago (I think 2?) and even though it was during finals I still wrote all 12! This year it starts today and we will be writing love letters to 12 people who need some encouragement. You can still sign up if you're interested, and/or follow the project on Twitter with #12DaysMLL and @moreloveletters. I will be tweeting about my experience with it! It's one of my favorite "causes" and if you haven't heard of it yet, you need to catch up!
Craft my banner! I signed up to do the background and the angels for our church collaborative creche project.. And we are supposed to have them ready this weekend, eek! So of course I haven't started and I need to do that. I'm going to make a banner for it!

Wish me luck on my goals this week, and I hope you accomplish yours too! Don't forget to link up to Melyssa at The Nectar Collective to share with everyone else!

The Nectar Collective


Find Beauty Friday!

Welcome to Find Beauty Friday, a linkup that I am thrilled to be co-hosting with Aimee at Dear Harper!

My photo for this week is this gorgeous altar arrangement that was at my church recently - it technically was not taken this week, but it wasn't from too long ago! I've been saving it for today's post. I love all the gourds and feathers and stuff mixed in with the flowers! I just can't get over how great I think this is. I was mesmerized.

One of my favorite things about blogging is that I get to interact with all sorts of great people, and Aimee is no exception. I've loved getting to know her and I love her Find Beauty Friday, which is why I was so excited when she asked me to co-host! (The only reason I didn't ask her was because I didn't exactly know what co-hosting meant, hehe)

Find Beauty Friday is a linkup Aimee created where we post a picture we took during the week that we find beautiful - it can be anything at all! You know how we all have different ideas of beauty? That's the BEAUTY of this! (Seriously. Last week my picture was a cooked turkey. Not kidding!)

So join us and linkup your blog posts or Instagram photos below, and/or hashtag #findbeautyfriday so we can all look at all the beautiful things!

Also, if you think my blog is pretty/beautiful/awesome, the lovely Aimee designed all of that too! Jeez, she's a superstar. 

Have a beautiful weekend!


Good Things!

Well, I am currently typing this on my phone as we sit in stopped traffic. (Don't worry, I'm not the driver!)
While this has not been the best part of my day, obviously, I still have many good things to share!

It is December now, as I'm sure you have all realized, and I am not taking this month lightly. So far I have done something Christmas-spirited every day in the month so far! (Okay, I started before December did.)

So here is the list!

November 30: I had a friend date that consisted of: driving to look at decorations, Starbucks red cups, shopping for Christmas stuff at Target, going to Macy's to write letters to Santa, and watching the bear orchestra at the mall! It was basically the best day EVER. (AND I went shopping with my mother and sister later and we got such great deals!)

December 1: My sister had to go back to school as Thanksgiving break was over for her, so we took pictures with the fun props I'd gotten at Target the night before! They're sitting at Walmart's photo center right now waiting for me to pick them up to put in my cards.

December 2: I did a lot of cleaning and decorating. I even made a construction paper chain countdown! :) Then my mother got home from work and we watched A Boyfriend for Christmas. Oh, the joys of Hallmark Christmas movies!

December 3: I didn't do much in the holiday spirit, but I did have bell practice where we are doing Carol of the Bells for the Christmas pageant. So that counts.

December 4: I wrote a ton of Christmas cards, first of all. And I went to the pot luck at church, and I didn't even know there was going to be a table of things to craft ornaments, so I made 3, plus a garland!

December 5 (aka, today!): I went with my mother and a friend from church to the Bizarre Bazaar, which involved tons of tasting yummy things and getting lots of presents! Okay, most of the things I got were presents to myself, but... WHATEV! :) We also went out to lunch, which was another good thing. Then we went to my dad's concert tonight, which was just Christmas music! Actually I think they did throw in a Hanukkah song.. But that was good too!

As always, I want to know what your good things are this week too! Or your good things from last week (which I skipped in order to fully enjoy my turkey day)!

Hope your December so far has been filled with #goodthings!

P.S. I made it out of the traffic and came home to post this! And another good (GREAT) thing is that I am co-hosting Find Beauty Friday with Aimee at Dear Harper tomorrow, so be sure to come back for that!


Weekly Wishes #16

This Weekly Wishes post will be a place for me to share my goals for the week. Hopefully blogging about them will help them to actually happen!

The theme for this week's photo is "Animals." I would be crazy not to use a picture of my favorite pup, right?!

Last week I wanted to: Enjoy Thanksgiving! That's all I was hoping for, and I am pleased to say that I accomplished that goal! We had yummy food and sissy and I went to see Catching Fire (FINALLY!) and I wrote some more Christmas cards. It was sad without our friend this year as she has moved to Texas, but we managed to have a good day anyway. 

This week I want to: Print our Christmas photo! We had a mini photo shoot (okay we gave my dad the camera and he tried) to try for a cute picture to put in Christmas cards for family members (I don't think my friends really want/need a picture of my sister and dog and me), and I think we got one! So I need to send them to Walmart or something. I don't know what size is best! 4x6 or 5x7? 
Finish those Christmas cards! I have written a lot but I still have a lot left! If you want one, just put your address here. :)
Mail the cards! I wanted to have them done to mail today, but I suppose no one will notice if my goal switches to next Monday. They will still definitely arrive in time!

Wish me luck on my goals this week, and I hope you accomplish yours too! Don't forget to link up to Melyssa at The Nectar Collective to share with everyone else!

EDIT: And OH MY GOSH, I just remembered.. Today marks 6 months exactly until I depart for Moldova! It feels so close now that I am just.. WOW. I know 6 months is a long time, but it doesn't feel that way! I can't even believe it. 

The Nectar Collective