
Good Things and Letter Month!

Happy Thursday! I mean, it's pretty late on Thursday, but.. Not for the west coast, right?! Anyway. If you don't know, Good Things is where I talk about the Good Things that happened today or this week or this minute, or whenever! 

Yesterday was disappointing because my mother and I had a fun day planned in DC and then IT SNOWED. Yeah, pretty, but then we couldn't go. We missed our shopping and our museum-ing and our Peace Corps event. BUT the good things were:
  • My mother and I slept in and ate and then we played Memory.
  • My parents felt bad about my missing my Peace Corps thing so my mother and I went to the movies. We got a free popcorn! Which we obviously upgraded to a huge bucket. We saw Ride Along, which was pretty funny!
  • My Shutterfly book came! I think it will be good to take with me on my trip. 
  • We stayed up late watching the first episodes of Melissa & Joey. 
  • Today, Veronica Mars won the MTV Movie Brawl for Most Anticipated Movie of 2014! YAY Marshmallows! Can't wait for the moviiiiiiiiiiie! It is truly my most anticipated movie of 2014, even with the whole only considering movies that come out before June thing.
I also found out about this letter-writing challenge, and as we all know, I am a little obsessed with that kind of thing. The challenge is that you are supposed to write and send a letter (or a postcard, or some such thing) each day in February. So it's not even really 28 things, because of Sundays and whatnot. So I think I can do it! I'll be tweeting about it with #LetterMo and hopefully blogging about it too, so you can keep me in line! ;)

And another good thing! If you love Peeta, AKA Josh Hutcherson, and you have HBO On Demand, you should totally check out Little Manhattan, which shows him at his most adorable: 11 years old, falling in love for the first time. He is SO PRECIOUS I can't even stand it. Here, look!
Image via
If you love him like I do, I strongly suggest watching this movie. Not the greatest movie of all time, but it's short and sweet and he's adorable in it! So you should watch.

Have a great weekend!


Weekly Wishes #21

Hey everyone! How's it going?! I'm currently watching TV with Lilo (clean Lilo! We both took a shower today), so my day is pretty good so far. Plus I am going out to dinner before bible study today with my friend from work, AND it's Monday so that means The Bachelor is on! I know, I know.... But I can't not love it. At least I don't write a recap blog! But I do love reading them...... Well, anyway!

Last week I wanted to: Seriously get to the doctor. Made my appointment this morning. So I have a whole week to freak out about going. Great.
Take down the tree and put all the decorations away. Nailed it!
Clean up so I can play Just Dance - and play Just Dance! I cleaned, but then I messed it up again before I could play. In my defense, I got a giant package soooo.. I need to put some things in the recycling, perhaps.
Clean up in the basement. Uhhh, what? Oops.
Make my Shutterfly book! Did this! It's not perfect, but it's got a lot of pictures and I know I'm going to love having it in Moldova.

This week I don't have a lot I want to do! My goals mostly center around tea. I'm a hostess for our Ladies Tea at church, and I need to plan my table! So I want to look through some boxes we brought home from my grandma's house to see if she sent any cute teacups, and I want to look through Pinterest to see about deciding on a theme for my table! The theme of the tea is "Art" so I need sort of a sub-theme. I have to make the table pretty with a centerpiece and table settings and little favors. Anyone ever done anything like this before?

Happy Monday, and have an awesome week! Don't forget to link up with Melyssa!

The Nectar Collective


Good Things!

Happy Thursday! It's time for Good Things! I've had a pretty productive day today! I only slept til 9:30, which is pretty early for me on a day off, and while all I did before noon was eat breakfast and vote for Veronica Mars on MTV's Movie Brawl, during the afternoon I got a lot done!

Here are my good things for the day:

  • Shockingly enough, Veronica Mars BEAT Mockingjay Part 1 in the MTV Movie Brawl (this is for the most anticipated movies of 2014 and you could vote as much as you wanted to.... I love both VM and HG but Marshmallows rock today!)
  • I took down the tree and put all the Christmas stuff in boxes and got it into the attic! 
  • I get a free drink at Starbucks today, yay! 
  • Jess and I have learned how to make use of Instagram's direct message feature :) AND she is newly engaged and I am so excited for her!
  • My mother and I are going to DC one day next week for fun and a Peace Corps event! 
What are your good things? Have you had a good week so far? What's the weekend look like for ya?! 


Weekly Wishes #20

I am currently sitting under my warm and fuzzy Vera Bradley blanket (you need one of these, I swear. Greatest thing I ever bought. Okay, things. Yes, I have two.) watching snow fall! It's so pretty when you don't have to leave your chair. Now there's a cute little squirrel sitting on the porch watching the snow too! Actually, I think he might be eating something. It's hard to tell. He is adorable with snowflakes on him, though.

Oh man, and my sweet little puppy heard the wind blowing and just came over to my armchair, looked at me like, Can I pleeeeeease come up there with you?? So now we're snuggling and I'm loving it.

Exciting thing, guys: The Mindy Project winter finale is toniiiiiiiiiiight! I'm pretty freaking excited! And New Girl, too, but let's face it, I need Danny and Mindy in my life so that's my top priority. Hope you'll be watching with me!

Oh, right, my Weekly Wishes! :)

Last week I wanted to: Start my journal. I did this! This might be really weird, but I think I'm a little past the "Dear Diary" stuff (though I support you if you still write that!) so instead I'm kind of writing to my future grandchildren. I don't do "Dear _____" but I treat the journal as if it's something that will be read by my future kids' kids.. Because I would for sure read something my grandma had written, especially if it's about cool stuff she did in life!
Make at least one of my dreaded appointments. Okay, I didn't do this, but my mother is going to help me and we are going to stop by the doctor some time this week to talk about all the stuff I need done.
Spend some time reading. I finished the book I was reading, Falling Together, and it was really good! I was up crying while finishing it... As usual. I definitely recommend it if you like books about love and complicated friendships and journeying through life together and apart.
Respond to a few letters. I wrote one! Check!

This week I want to: Seriously get to the doctor. I need to stop being a baby, I know it.
Take down the tree and put all the decorations away. Uhhh, yeah, it's almost February. What of it?!
Clean up so I can play Just Dance - and play Just Dance! Yoga once a week is really not enough activity for me. I gotta move!
Clean up in the basement. I'm only working two days this week so I have got to be productive! It starts now! Okay, it starts soonish. (See my problem here? Ha.)
Make my Shutterfly book! I have a coupon for a free photo book from Shutterfly that expires at the end of this month, and I think it would be a good thing to take with me when I move! Any suggestions on making one of these books? I've never done it, and I'm not so great at scrapbooking or anything either so I don't really know what I'm doing! I welcome all tips.

Have an awesome week! 

The Nectar Collective


#GoodThings #CreativeCollective

In today's edition of #GoodThings, I am also sharing my project for the #CreativeCollective! Hashtags all over the place! The Creative Collective is another linkup Melyssa is doing at The Nectar Collective, where we do fun creative things! So who wouldn't want to join in on that?! The prompt for yesterday was: Think of a word that you want to focus on in 2014. My word is "Peace" for many reasons: I'm going to be joining the Peace Corps and I just think that with that, I will need to keep peace within myself this year in order to not freak out about being thousands of miles away from everything I know, so... Hence the peace.

AND, this is my 50th post!! How exciting!!

My good things are:

  • This painting I did over the last two days! It includes one of my favorite things: GLITTER! 
  • The fact that I've written 50 blogs! Uh, hello baby blogger milestone!
  • All the Valentines in my store right now.. That I am holding back from buying because I know I will want to mail them right away and it's too early!!
  • I have 5 days off next week! Which is CRAZY and hopefully I can get a lot done/have a lot of fun next week!
  • And my blogger friends :)
What are your good things?! Are you doing the Creative Collective too? Let me know, y'all! 

The Creative Collective


Weekly Wishes #19

This is my Grandlittle making friends with Lilo, who absolutely LOVED her. She has good taste!

This week is going to be an interesting one, I think! My work schedule is a little different so I think I'm going to have some more time during the day to do stuff! Last week I started going to yoga so tomorrow is class #2, which will be fun! And I've been asked to chaperon (did you know chaperon is spelled like that? I always thought it had an "e" on the end! Whaaaat) the youth group lock-in, so that should be really fun!

Last week I wanted to Start my journal. I did not do this yet, mostly because I don't get a lot of alone time and I definitely think journaling is something to do by myself.. So hopefully I can put this on this week's list! I have some short shifts this week AND a Starbucks gift card, so maybe I can go to SB and work on this!
Make a list of appointments to make. I have sort of done this, but now I actually need to make them.
Print out medical forms. I emailed my dad all ELEVEN forms I need filled out by various medical professionals, so he is going to print them tomorrow! Now to get them filled out......
Figure out something to do with my Grandlittle. We just decided to wing it! So we went antiquing, did a little shopping, went to Dairy Queen (which she hadn't been to since like April!) and saw Frozen. Such a cute movie! Plus we stayed up half the night talking, so you don't need to plan something like that :)

This week I want to: Start my journal. Moved that goal right on over to this week!
Make at least one of my dreaded appointments. I hate going to the doctor/dentist SO MUCH.
Spend some time reading. I got books for Christmas that I haven't started because I am already reading other books.. So maybe I can finish one this week! That would be good!
Respond to a few letters. I always want to get them and then I take forever to write back when I do! Gotta get to work on this!

The Nectar Collective


Good Things!

Welcome back to #GoodThings! Okay, maybe I should be welcoming myself back. Whatever, welcome to us all! 

This one is going to be short because my best Good Thing is on her way! I have not seen my Grandlittle since May (I think May). When I have visited school, she has not been there because she has been in SPAIN! 

I'm sure she learned a lot while she studied abroad (I know she did; I obsessively read her travel blog) but I am glad she's back because I missed her! 

We get to spend tonight and tomorrow together before she goes back to school, so we are going to have tons of fun! 

I hope you all have some Good Things to share and that your weekend is full of them!!


Weekly Wishes #18

Happy 2014 from my friends and me!

It's been almost a month since I last posted! I could tell you that I've been really busy (sort of true) and that I've just wanted to enjoy the holidays (also true) but really I just wasn't posting because I didn't feel like it! I don't want this to be something I am doing just because I feel like I have to, so I didn't want to post and I didn't! (Though I have not neglected my Instagram, haha, so you could have been keeping up with me there!)

But I'm back now, a little late for Weekly Wishes but I thought it would be a good way to get back in the game!

Since my last Weekly Wishes was a month ago and since I'm pretty sure I didn't accomplish any of those, I'm not even going to bring that up..........

This week I'm hoping to do a lot! I wrote my list at work yesterday, and though I am working a lot this week, I think I can get at least some of this done!
Start my journal. My friend and college advisor got me these great journals to use during Peace Corps service, and I've been thinking for a while that it's time to start one. Yesterday marked one year since I turned in my application, and I leave in 5 months, so...... It's pretty crazy!
Make a list of appointments to make. I have been putting off my medical stuff (because I don't like going to the doctor/dentist/everything) and I need need need to get it started!
Print out medical forms. I'm hoping I can go to my dad's office and do this because our printer leaves something to be desired.....
Figure out something to do with my Grandlittle. She has been in Spain for months and now she is returning to school, but she's stopping at my house on the way because we miss each other so! She said, "You're in charge of planning our day." So.. I don't know what we're going to do! 

The Nectar Collective