
I Spilled My Coffee All Over My Driveway

Today I am thankful for having the day off! I went shopping with my sister because our grandma sent us some money to get Christmas presents from her. We weren't too successful! I don't think either of us are good at spending money. I guess that's a good thing, maybe.

We also went to lunch and Starbucks, which brings me to my next point: I'm thankful for Peppermint Mochas! I drank about half of it before getting home and spilling it all over the driveway, but shockingly I did not get upset and whine/cry about it like I might have on a bad day.

And I'm thankful for naps and clean puppies!

And Thanksgiving is TOMORROW!!! #readyforturkey #yeahIjustusedahashtaginmyblog #whatevahhhh


Those Times When I Forget My Commitments

Remember that time I said I was going to post about what I'm thankful for, every day this week? And then I didn't yesterday, ha! Oops.

Today I'm thankful for happy customers! One couple being so great today made up for all the crap I dealt with yesterday! Please think about your common decency when you're out shopping during the holiday season. It's not nice to be mean to retail workers! If people talked to their mother the way they talk to me, sheesh.

But anyway! When people are great, obviously I take note.

And I am thankful for my relatives who made Crispix and sent it home with my mother! YUM!


Weekly Wishes #15

This Weekly Wishes post will be a place for me to share my goals for the week. Hopefully blogging about them will help them to actually happen!

The theme for this week's photo is "New Beginnings." This is a picture I found of Moldova, where I will be moving to in June. It looks really pretty, doesn't it?!

Last week I wanted to: Do some crafting! I did craft my practice glass - it was for me, of course. It turned out pretty well! But I haven't started on the gifts. 
Work on my Christmas cards. I wrote the first 6! So that's pretty good. 
Do some blogging! I sometimes have 0 posts in between WW, but this week I have 3! What a world. 

This week I want to: Enjoy Thanksgiving! That's it. I don't want to have to think about doing anything more than eating lots of food, watching my Packers, going to the movies, and relaxing! (Before I have to get up at 5am to work Black Friday. Never been to it for shopping, but I get to experience it this year.. yay :P)

Wish me luck on my goals this week, and I hope you accomplish yours too! Don't forget to link up to Melyssa at The Nectar Collective to share with everyone else!

The Nectar Collective

My Week of Being Thankful

Thanksgiving really is my favorite holiday, and I have kind of been neglecting it, what with my Christmas lights and the fact that after I post this, I'm going to start working on Christmas cards (If you want one, put your address here!)..

So I thought I would try a short post every day this week saying what I'm thankful for! I know everyone's got a list of topics to write about or a Facebook status every day in November, but A. I am not that open about everything and B. I am not that disciplined! But I think I could make it for these next few days.

Today I'm thankful for my church (I went to two services today! All before 10:30. Crazy.) and the people in it, and I am thankful for alone time (which I am getting and enjoying right now!). 


My First Whimseybox

I didn't really even know that monthly subscription boxes were a thing, but after reading a blog about the Whimseybox, I looked at tons and tons of lists of monthly boxes to find one I might want (which turned out to be a ton of them - I mean how cool is the concept? A box of fun stuff that comes to your house every month? Uh, hello. Sign me up!). But I ended up going back to Whimseybox, which is a cute new craft every month!

October's craft was sewing, so when I got it, I thought, oh no, this is not going to go well.

The box comes with everything you need: instructions, supplies, and a few extra goodies!

I can totally craft. I'm artistic and creative and can follow directions, but.. Sewing is intimidating! When I was younger, I remember "sewing" on old hand towels, but that was all!

Adding the snap

But finally I decided to try it! And it didn't turn out so bad! I'm pretty proud of it actually. My favorite part is the little pin that comes with that says "Achievement Earned: Sewing!" It's like when I was a Girl Scout and earned badges!

Sewing the blanket stitch
Before the sides are together!

The finished product!
Magenta on the outside, navy on the inside - so cute!

I got an email today that says November's craft is on its way and I'm so excited for the next badge and skill and craft!

If you use this link to get your own Whimseybox, you'll get $5 off your first month! (It's $15/month normally)

Happy crafting!


Good Things!

If you missed last week, Good Things is where we talk about the good things that have happened this week! I used to do it at my sorority meetings and I miss it, so I thought I'd start doing it here! 

This week, my good things are: 
  • I took myself on a date to see The Best Man Holiday and then went to Starbucks! It was a good movie but I definitely cried next to a stranger. A lot.
  • I put up more Christmas lights - my house looks so pretty! (The outside, anyway.)
  • It was my sweet little puppy's 5th birthday, so I tried to make it super fun for her!
  • THIS.
  • Tonight I'm going out to eat with my friends (it's wing night!) and my mother returns from Wisconsin!
  • Yesterday I FINALLY finished the last book in a trilogy I've been working on for about 3 months. (No matter how much I love reading, trilogies exhaust me and it's really hard to finish once I get to the third.) Now I can read the new books I checked out from the library!

Please join me in Good Things - in the comments or by tweeting your good things @onthewallcat! Or just hashtag #goodthings so I'll be able to get excited for you, too!

Have a great Thursday!


Weekly Wishes #14

This Weekly Wishes post will be a place for me to share my goals for the week. Hopefully blogging about them will help them to actually happen!

My "Hobbies" photo was featured in Melyssa's post today! So fun! I love everyone else's hobby shots, too! 
This week's photo theme is "Memories." Since today is my little Lilo's 5th birthday, I picked a picture from when we got her! She was so little! I also put it next to a current photo so you can see the difference. 

Last week I wanted to: Plan some gifts. I not only did this, but I did the shopping for it! I'm going to personalize some glasses with that frosted glass spray, so I got the glasses and the spray! I also may have gotten chalkboard spray paint. It was an impulse buy! Don't judge! Hehe.
Clean, so I can Put up more Christmas decorations. I didn't put up more, but I did some planning of where things will go, and my dad did hang up another extension cord outside so we can. I've been working late and it gets dark too early! Maybe this week will be the week. 

This week I want to: Do some crafting! Today I started on my Whimseybox craft from last month's box, and it is so much fun to sew and make something! So I want to do more. Maybe I will work on the gifts I got supplies for! Who knows. 
Work on my Christmas cards. I'm really itching to open all my boxes of cards and start writing to people. If you want a Christmas card from me, SERIOUSLY, anyone - faithful reader or first timer on the wall, put your address here. It's my online address book, so only I will see your addresses! 
Do some blogging! I hope to put up a crafting post or two, and be sure to stop by on Thursday for Good Things! I'm really excited about doing Good Things from now on! I hope you all will join me.

Wish me luck on my goals this week, and I hope you accomplish yours too! Don't forget to link up to Melyssa at The Nectar Collective to share with everyone else!

The Nectar Collective


First Ever Good Things!

One of my favorite parts of our weekly sorority meetings at college was the beginning. We went around and had "Good Things" where we would tell each other at least one good thing that had happened that week. Sometimes it would be the only time of the week we'd see certain sisters so it was great to hear something great that had happened to them! 

Occasionally I would have trouble finding a good thing to say, but most Thursdays I would have a list and try to choose!

This week, my good things are: 
  • I wrote a bunch of cards and sent them out!
  • My manager gave me a key to the store - this is exciting because it means she trusts me! 
  • At church, a lady I really like (her kids are my age so I've known her forever) talked with me about having as long as I want to decide what to do with my life - not a popular subject with adults!
  • I got my first Vera Bradley purse, after being obsessed for months selling them. 
  • Everyday Happy ended, and I was caught up, and I got to do some more journaling.. It was a great experience! 

Since it was one of my favorite things about Thursdays, I've decided to have a Good Things post here every Thursday! Feel free to join in - in the comments or by tweeting your good things at me! You can hashtag #goodthings so I'll be able to get excited for you, too!

Have a great Thursday!


Happy Wednesday!

What made my day? Getting a card in the mail from my grandma!

So, logically, what could I do to make someone's day? Oh yeah, send my friends mail!

This week I mailed 5 birthday cards (some way early but I've got November covered!), 2 Veterans Day cards (couldn't decide between the WWII and the Grandpa cards, so I picked both!), 1 Thanksgiving card (that might be slightly early too, but..), and some embroidery floss so my grandma can do her cross-stitching!

That's 8 people's days I've made. All by Tuesday for me!

What can you do this week? (Want my address? ;))


Weekly Wishes #13

This Weekly Wishes post will be a place for me to share my goals for the week. Hopefully blogging about them will help them to actually happen!

This week's photo theme is "Hobbies." So I picked a photo of from when I was on my college Dance Team, because I love to dance! I wish I had a dance class to take now, actually. I miss it! (Yes, I'm in that photo somewhere, haha)

Last week I wanted to: Do some exercise. Lilo got a walk and I did most of a yoga video! When they got to this pose I just had to sit down..
Learn something. I didn't take anyone's suggestions or read anything or really anything productive with this one, but I do always ask my dad lots of questions so I don't think I learned nothing. He tried very hard to explain the night setting on the rearview mirror to me, so maybe one day I will understand that finally. I also rode in his car so some NPR was in there somewhere. 
Look at some language resources. Yeah, I didn't do this either.  

This week I want to: Plan some gifts. I don't know if people did this on your Facebook, but on mine people had this craft exchange FB status around New Year's. If you liked a person's status, they were supposed to make you a gift sometime during the year, and then you had to make the same status. I did this, possibly against my better judgment, because it's November and I have three things to craft. I just don't know what they'll be. I need to dust off my Pinterest bookmark, I think.
Clean, so I can Put up more Christmas decorations. Yesterday my dad didn't have to work and I worked in the evening, so I thought it would be a perfect time to put up our outside Christmas decorations! But now that I've seen them in the dark, I feel that we need more. And then of course we need some inside so we need to do some cleaning to facilitate that. 

Wish me luck on my goals this week, and I hope you accomplish yours too! Don't forget to link up to Melyssa at The Nectar Collective to share with everyone else!

The Nectar Collective


Weekly Wishes #12

This Weekly Wishes post will be a place for me to share my goals for the week. Hopefully blogging about them will help them to actually happen!
This week's photo theme is "Warmth" so I chose a photo that was taken yesterday of me with my godson after his baptism. His family was so nice to me and so thankful that I am going to be in his life - and so am I! So rather than the temperature warmth, I went with the affection/kindness warmth (though before this picture was taken I was definitely just planning to go to Starbucks for a red cup). 

Last week I wanted to: Do my aspiration statement. I did this! And I did my resume, and I did almost every other task that I have to do right now for Peace Corps. I procrastinated, but one night just sat down and did a bunch of stuff and felt really accomplished. 
Work on some more Everyday Happy. You guys, I am fully caught up. How crazy is that? I can't believe we only have a week left. I'm going to miss this course so much! Is that weird?  
Get a gift for my godson. I did this too! I got him a card (of course), a toy, and a cross to hang on his wall. 
Make my Christmas card list! I made a rough list and decided that was good enough! Look at all the things I accomplished, guys. How awesome am I?! 

This week I want to: Do some exercise. Nothing toooo crazy, just a bike ride or two or a walk with Lilo or something. Maybe a yoga video if I'm feeling ambitious, ha! 
Learn something. I miss taking classes where I would actually LEARN things. Yes, I'm sure I'm currently learning life lessons or something but what I really want to know is stuff like: There are 62,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body. How cool is that? I've gotten a few, but do you guys have any more recommendations for ways to learn new things?
Look at some language resources. I know, learning a language would be learning something. But these things are separate in my mind. I have to learn Romanian now, so I should probably at least glance at some of the websites they sent me about that. 

Wish me luck on my goals this week, and I hope you accomplish yours too! Don't forget to link up to Melyssa at The Nectar Collective to share with everyone else!

The Nectar Collective